Angel Heart – “The current song that my team is promoting is called ‘Polka Dot Socks.’ It’s a song I wrote as a tribute to my uncle (who was in every sense a father to me), the amazing man who raised me and made me the woman I am today.” – Interview

Tells us a bit about your music journey. How has it shaped you?

My music journey began since I was a child. Singing has always been my passion and “therapy”.  It was also a form of positive “escape” for me from a traumatic childhood. I never intended to pursue it as a career until early 2023, when I started a TikTok channel just singing cover songs and I was discovered by my current producer. At first I thought it was a joke played on me by my friends but it turned out to be real. I was ecstatic. My producer offered me a contract and I began singing all the songs that I had written over the years and releasing them. This has been an amazing journey and has made me realise my true gift (aside from my profession as a doctor) and my ability to touch and reach out to people with my music.

How would you describe your sound to someone unfamiliar with it?

Heartfelt, soulful, authentic, meaningful, touching, real, anyone can relate to the lyrics and emotions in my songs. And original! You feel my music in your heart and soul J

What genre is your music a part of?

A broad base! Pop, sentimental, country, slow rock…

What drew you to the genre you’re playing right now?

The lyrics to all my music are based on my own and my clients’ / friends personal life experiences – the joys, the pain, the challenges, the heartaches etc. The fact that everyone has their own personal experiences and can therefore relate to what I have experienced is what drew me to write all my music. 

 What inspires you to write music?

Life! Everyday life – the pain, the sufferings, the challenges, the heartaches and heartbreaks, the struggles, and ultimately the empowering impact of sharing and speaking out about our experiences (in my case, via my lyrics and music) inspires me to write my songs.

Would you tell us about your current project, album/EP, or song you’re promoting?

The current song / album that my team is promoting is called ‘Polka Dot Socks’. It’s a song I wrote as a tribute to my uncle (who was in every sense a father to me), the amazing man who raised me and made me the woman I am today. Sadly, he passed away too early and I made a promise to him that I would one day honour him – and I have, via ‘Polka Dot Socks’. 

What do you want listeners to take away from listening to your music?

To feel empowered, touched, and know that they are not alone, that someone cares and is sending positive vibes out there to make the world a better place!

 Who are your top three artists right now? If that’s not a fair question, what’s your favorite song right now?

Top 3 artists (difficult to narrow down to 3 – I have too many!): Westlife, Tricia Yearwood, Ed Sheerin! 

Favourite song right now: ‘Queen Of My Heart’ (Westlife)

What’s the easiest way for fans to connect with you?

I would love for fans to connect with me! Social media would be the best way: 

1.   YouTube: Channel ID: UCSU3PY62SionVj1OE8C85ug

2.   TikTok:

3.   Instagram: 

4. Spotify:

What’s next for you?

The release of many more songs and music videos! I would like to be involved in more interviews and live performances.

Anything else you’d like to add or let us know about?

I feel what makes me stand out from other artists is this: I write the lyrics to all my original songs and my lyrics come from my own (and sometimes my clients’) heartfelt personal life experiences. Being a doctor, a pilot and mental health specialist, I utilise music as a means to reach out to people who have suffered (or are suffering) from mental illness via my own personal experiences weaved into the lyrics of my songs. I believe music is a powerful and effective means of empowering people and I love that I have been blessed with the skills to be able to do that.

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